Sunday, July 20, 2008

paper and plastic

i am in love another band. they are local. the name: thoughts of august. amazing music with an amazing purpose. and they're fun to watch. i havent been disappointed yet, technical difficulties and all. they're numero uno on my friends list on myspace, so check em out.
in other news, new job. good hours, amazing benefits, great people...and fun!
more other news...
-i have a new hangout in foley. it is the ole mug. again, amazing place and people and all that pertains to.
-my friends are still the best, even with flaws. they just make them that much better. =p
-my feet are killing me. nothing warms the heart like a good days work. =)
-we leave for houston thursday for my cousin's wedding, but daddy can't go b/c he has too much going on at work to leave mr. ronnie with the load.
-gimme a squiggly! ahahahahahaha.