Thursday, February 7, 2008

ima friggin godmother!!!!!!!!

little jathen alexzander michael raymer was born at 6:50pm on Wednesday, February 6, 2008. he weigned 6 lbs 15.5 oz and measured 19.5 inches long.
he is the cutest little thing i have ever seen. i would have posted sooner, but i went w/ kimmy n chuck to the horse-pistol around 4am on wednesday. i only left 5 times. the first was to run back the house to get a bag they had left. the second time was to go to BRU word/excel class from 1-3pm. the third was about an hour after jaybug arrived to get mama and papa bear krystals. the 4th was at 11am this morning to get ready and go to the employee meeting at phoenix x. and the 5th was to come here to my networking security class. it broke my heart to pieces when i had to leave to come here. i held him and talked to him for a few minutes and gave him more kissies than anyone would ever believe. he is defintely the new love of my life. he will be quite hard to replace.
which brings me toooooooooooo...
I MADE AN 80 ON MY NETWORKING SECURITY EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and now, i am hungry. meh....more class.
i miss my little jaybug!!!!!!!!!!
and now, more class.
-aunt aimee

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