Wednesday, January 16, 2008

be proud!

we had random drug testing at work yesterday...well, random as in, every single employee was randomly selected to do one. lol. i passed mine with flying colors. =) but, mine was wonky...i had to use the men's room b/c someone was in the women's doin their's...and then larry, head honcho of security, came in and read mine. he was jokin the whole time, but i was like, "o gee, this old man is so holdin a cup of my pee." it was pretty funny tho. i got some overtime at work yesterday too. went back after class and had to do tuesday reports b/c noone was there to do them...i got about a third done. and i had a snowbird who had been misinformed not once earlier that day, but twice...that opened up a whole can of worms and becky was supposed to call her today to maybe work with her on some things...or at least further try to convince her of our true policies.
me n nadine worked out for an hour n a half last was really good. we were sposeta work out some more today before our classes, but i can't get a hold of her.
im gonna stop at planet beach in foley n tan before i go to class...haven't tanned in about a week...and im getting pale so boo.
tonight i have windows admin class. w00t. im also gonna try to get some of my books today too. windows admin is $180, networking security is $90, and psychology is $70....all of those are rough figures, of course. gonna go waste some more time...maybe i'll go play in the rain that has been pouring since i fell asleep last night.
huzzah for islands!

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