Thursday, January 17, 2008

life is a cabaret...

i just watched "cabaret" for the first time ever. pretty good...but it's one of those movies that made me kinda sit here for a minute like " kinda blows..." it's scary when you see portions of your life portrayed in older movies you've never seen know what i mean? either way tho, it was well made with great music...and i love the way they shot it, with the cabaret scenes coinciding with the events in the character's lives, further proof that "life is a cabaret." (did u see what i did there? lawlz.)
in other news, me n nadine worked out after our classes. im so happy that im losing seems each day another pound has dropped, lately. =) so with about 8 down, that's just another........92 to go. =o maybe i'll be bikini-approved by this summer. =p
so, yea...i don't know what else to say...more stuff goin on, but nothin i feel like typing out atm. gonna go chat with guildies on WoW i spose.
later, lovers.

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