Wednesday, January 23, 2008

good grief

my windows admin class is freeeezing...again.
kimmy's doc doc said she's about 2 weeks away from giving birth. o boy o boy o boy.
so excited.
new tat is doin well. startin to scab over n itch like fire. i put a whole heap of lotion on it a minute ago. aaaaah. relief.
so i appear to be getting skinnier. huzzah! angie stopped me in the hall at work yesterday and was like 'why are you so skinny? you make me feel bad.' lol. so even though weight is around the same, im toning up and burning the fat. huzzah!
hmm...what else shall i write about......
work still sucks. soooo much always. been working on the dayshift a little bit because of classes...i could very well do without it...but i should have a little over 40 hours on this week's paycheck, even though i left about 4 or 5 hours early friday night to go get tatted. w00t. the only thing that saved my butt was the insurance meeting monday and yesterday when i went back and worked afer my class.
got my nails done short this time in anticipation of the baby...still square, but rounded off edges...definitely need a new set next time i go.
other than that, not too much else goin least that i can think of.
to quote an amazing man...
keep li/oving.

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