Monday, January 14, 2008

simple livin is a bitch, but, damn, i do it well definitely lovin "the big bang theory" on cbs. that mug needs to come out on dvd asap.
so, i've been listening to "the papercut chronicles" by gym class heroes the last few days nonstop in my car. that album is insanely incredible. i recommend that everyone go get it immediately.
and now some lyrics frm the aforementioned album:

I lead a crocodile mile lifestyle, I run and slide
But when it's time to collide with the bump, I always bail
Cause I'm not ready for that dive or that silly nine to five
Solidified career option, a hop skip and a leap
away from rock star, and not too far away from fillin pop's shoes
The idyllic hard workin type of calloused hands
Complete with wife, kids, dog, house, and picket fence, that's nonsense
I'm convinced I'm built for better things
And won't settle for the empty smile that cheddar brings
It seems like I'm workin hard simply cause it's what they say I have to do
You graduate and then you either get a job, or you go to school
12 years wasn't enough?
That's more than half of my life spent tryin to make the world accept me
Plus I've got the papers saying that I made it through
Now I'm working 2 jobs, 3 with music and you don't respect me?
Fuck it I'll retire now, you'll work until you're 62

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